Priya Prakash Varrier hit the Internet world and created a huge wave. The Kerela actress with her innocent yet killer looks drove the guys crazy and became an Internet sensation. In just a matter of few days she got more than 3 million followers on Instagram and will touch even 4 million anytime.
Now with so much popularity and fame, the brands automatically get attracted and Priya Prakash has also become a centre of attraction for many brands. She must have been flooded with a lot of brand endorsements and that’s why she has even started promoting two of the big brands now.
Yes! Since Priya Prakash Varrier is such a big name now and has great social media impact, two big brands have sealed a deal with her. One of them is a famous chips brand named “Pringles” and the other is mobile brand named One Plus.
She in fact promoted both of these brands on her Instagram account recently. Have a look-
So many Valentines requests but I’m staying #SingleAsAPringle @PringlesIndia💜
Thank U Reading 😌😊
Article source-RVCJ
The Queen Of Popularity, Priya Prakash Starts Promoting Two Big Brands Now. Way To Go Girl.
Reviewed by MR.DOCTOR
February 15, 2018
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