5 Best Foods For Winter Season For Healthy Body

Eat these Fruits/Vegetables In Winter to Keep your body healthy in Winter Season.


Potatoes occasionally get a bad rap to be white rice, and are thrown in the same category as white rice or white bread. But unlike those other starchs, which have actually been snatched from healthy nutrients, potatoes are whole food including many beneficial nutrients. 

They are an excellent source of two immune boosters-Vitamin C and B6, which provide 25% and 29% of your daily needs per medium potato respectively. They are also a good source of folate, which is especially important for the child's aging women, and they provide fiber (4 grams in medium potatoes); Women require 25 grams per day and men need 38 grams). 

If you can get purple potatoes, you will get an extra health boost - they are rich in anthocene-antioxidants, which are associated with many health benefits, from the risk of reducing cancer and reducing the risk of heart disease. 

2. Citrus

The fruits of lemon, including, orange and grapes, are at your juiciest in winter time and Dryery can add sunshine in the winter. Citrus fruits are loaded with vitamin C- a medium orange saves more than 100 percent of your daily dose. In the January / February 2012 issue of Karen Ansel, MS, RD, Eatingwell Magazine, Citrus fruits are also rich sources of flavonoids.

These fruits are credited with promoting main flavonoid-hesperidin- "good" HDL cholesterol and reducing "bad" LDL cholesterol and triglycerides.

3.Black Leafy greens

Black leafy deer, such as black, chord and collard, grow in winter cold when the remaining yield section looks sad. In fact, the bitterness of a frost black can take away. These reindeer vitamins A, C and K Collard is particularly rich in mustard greens and ascroll, which is an excellent source of folate for women of child-bearing age.

4.Winter Squash

There are several varieties of winter squash - including butternut, acorn, delicata and spaghetti squash - and they are all the best options in winter. 

A cup of baked winter squash contains some calories (about 80) but due to vitamin A (214 percent of recommended daily value) and vitamin C (33 percent), as well as a good source of vitamin B6 and K High, potassium and folate.


It is likely that you have taken pomegranate as your new popular juice. And from a heart-health perspective, this is probably a good thing. Pomegranate juice is rich in antioxidants (more than other fruit juices) - 

According to the preliminary study in the American Cup Journal of Clinical Nutrition, one cup of free radicals can help to oxidize "bad" LDL cholesterol daily. Oxidation contributes to plaque buildup in LDL arteries. Another study has shown that by drinking pomegranate juice, 

people with myocardial icasamia may improve blood flow in the heart, in a critical condition in which the oxygen supply of the heart is compromised because it blocked the arteries.

Thank u for Reading

5 Best Foods For Winter Season For Healthy Body 5 Best Foods For Winter Season For Healthy Body Reviewed by MR.DOCTOR on November 05, 2018 Rating: 5

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